February News & Updates

Support Utility Assistance at Annual Fundraiser. The 17th annual Heat the Streets Run & Walk for Warmth is Saturday, March 2. The event raises funds to support utility assistance programs for M.U.D. and Omaha Public Power District customers. Various participation options are available, including virtual. Donations and sponsorship opportunities are also available. Learn more and register at heatthestreetsomaha.org.
Winter Water Use Impacts Sewer Fees. Did you know the amount of water you use during the December through March billing period is used to help calculate your sewer fees? M.U.D. is the billing agent that invoices and collects sewer use fees and provides them back to the various municipalities. Click here to learn more.
Board of Directors Update. At their January meeting, the District’s Board of Directors elected Jim Begley (Subdivision 1) as board chair. First elected to the board in 2012, Begley is the Director of Labor Studies at the University of Nebraska Omaha. David Friend (Subdivision 2) was named vice chairperson. He was first elected to the board in 2000. To find your board director or review past board meeting minutes and recordings, visit mudomaha.com/about-us/board-of-directors. The board generally meets the first Wednesday of the month and meetings are livestreamed on YouTube.

Natural Gas Rebates Available. We give you more reasons to choose natural gas appliances and equipment: rebates. Visit mudomaha.com/rebates for details about our rebates, including a $200 rebate for a natural gas dryer or range.