Your Water

Metropolitan Utilities District of Omaha serves a population of more than 600,000 people in the metro Omaha area.

We provide water to more than 227,000 homes and businesses at an average of about 90 million gallons of water per day.

The District owns and operates three water treatment facilities and an extensive water distribution system that is capable of supply potable water in excess of 300 million gallons per day. We also maintain more than 29,000 hydrants for fire protection.

What you pay for water provides adequate system maintenance, offsets the rising costs of power and chemicals, and assures a safe, reliable drinking water supply.

As a customer of the District, you receive a high quality product that meets every federal and state standard for drinking water. View the most current report on the Water Quality page.

To view the District’s Water Alert Emergency Plan, visit the Water Safety page.

Sources and treatment

Sources of M.U.D. tap water include the Missouri and Platte Rivers and the Dakota sandstone aquifer. Water is pumped from intakes and wells maintained by the District. We operate three water treatment plants, which provide a reliable water supply and also allow us to take facilities off line as needed for system improvements. Our treatment facilities use processes to soften, clarify, filter and disinfect the water to meet drinking water standards.

To help protect the drinking water supply and quality:

  • Reduce the use of fertilizers, pesticides and toxic cleaners.
  • Do not flush medications down the toilet.
  • Do not dump trash, used motor oil or other waste into storm sewers.
  • Donate unused paint to community groups or take it to a household hazardous waste collection facility like Under the Sink at 4001 South 120th Street, which serves Douglas and Sarpy counties. For hours and a list of items accepted, visit

More information

Please visit the Quality and Conservation drop-down menu tabs for more information. If you have additional questions about drinking water, call the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800.426.4791 or visit their website:

  • Safety First

    Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, M.U.D. is required to provide an annual report on the quality of your water.

  • Economical & Responsible

    Tap water is our most economical resource of drinking water available, and is less expensive than alternate sources of drinking water. Water bottles, for example, are wasteful and harmful to the environment.

Your Water Rates

Your Water Rates

What you pay for water will provide adequate maintenance, offsets the rising costs of power and chemicals, and assures a safe, reliable drinking water supply. As a customer of the District, you receive a high quality product that meets every federal and state standard for drinking water.

According to the 2024 Memphis Light, Gas and Water Utility Rate Survey, M.U.D.’s monthly residential water rates ranked 15th lowest among 40 water utilities surveyed. For more information, visit the Rates & Fees page.

Video Resources

This is our home, too.

Water Quality Biologist Spotlight

Frequently Asked Questions About Your Water

  • Do you perform taste and odor tests on water samples?

    Odor tests are performed a minimum of once a month on both the Missouri River water and on tap water. We also have a special device in the lab which we use to monitor the odor of the tap water on a 24-hour basis. The only time the taste of the water is checked is if there has been a complaint about the taste by a customer. We then will obtain a sample of that water and check its taste. During spring runoff, we check odor daily or as often as necessary.

  • How often is water tested?

    The water is tested throughout the treatment process. We perform more than 1,000 tests a day! After the treated water leaves our plants, we test it daily throughout the distribution system. In fact, we conduct a minimum of 300 tests a month for bacteria alone.

    Every test is conducted in strict accordance with every requirement set by EPA and Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy.

  • How much fluoride is in the water?

    Our water sources have naturally occurring fluoride levels in the range of about 0.4 to 0.5 parts per million; which can also be stated as milligrams per liter. We add fluoride to bring the tap water concentration to about 0.7 parts per million, well below the federal limit of 4.0 ppm..

    To see the latest Water Quality Report, visit the Water tab.

  • Why is carbon added to the water?

    Carbon removes tastes and odors from the water. The tastes and odors are caused by decaying vegetation and other wastes that are produced during the spring runoff. Carbon also removes pesticides such as atrazine and volatile organic compounds.

  • What is hard water?

    Hardness in drinking water is caused mainly by two minerals — calcium and magnesium. If calcium or magnesium is present in your water in substantial amounts, the water is said to be hard because making a lather or suds for washing is (hard) difficult to do. Water containing little calcium or magnesium is called soft water.

  • I heard we have high levels of iron in our water. I noticed a slight build-up of rust on my plumbing fixtures and had rust disease on my grass. What is being done to prevent this from happening?

    M.U.D. water has negligible amounts of iron so the water should not be causing the problem. We lime-soften the water to about 170 milligrams per liter, which is the same as 10 grains per gallon of hardness. This is soft enough to be suitable for all home uses.

    During lime-softening, the lime (calcium) added is removed from the water along with calcium and magnesium (hardness) naturally present in the water. (In home softeners, sodium is added to the water in exchange for the hardness removed.)

    M.U.D.’s water will deposit small amounts of calcium carbonate in your pipes and on fixtures. It is a tan color. This is good because this means the water does not dissolve chemicals, such as copper, from your plumbing.

  • Will I lose the benefits of fluoride in my drinking water if I install a home treatment device?

    Certain types of home treatment devices will remove 85 percent to more than 95 percent of all the minerals in water, including fluoride. These are reverse osmosis, distillation units and deionization units (not water softeners-they leave fluoride in the water). If you use one of these types of devices, consult with your dentist about fluoride and possibly your doctor about iodine supplements.

  • What causes air bubbles in my glass of water?

    Air in water occurs naturally and is released when cold water is warmed by sitting in household plumbing lines or hot water heaters. Air also can occur in water following routine repairs to water lines. There is no health risk associated with air in water.

  • What does potability mean?

    Potability means the quality of being drinkable.

  • Water Service and Sewer Lines

  • Who owns what? [water]


    We are responsible for the maintenance, repair and location of the water main and corporation.

    • The water main is the large pipe laid in or along a street. It is four inches or more in diameter with a fire hydrant attached to it.
    • The corporation is a valve connecting the main to the water service line.

    A private water line does not have a water main installed in front of the property.

    house diagram


    Property Owner and M.U.D.

    The water meter measures the volume of water used. The property owner owns the water meter, however, we maintain it. We must have access to the meter for readings and maintenance. M.U.D. will replace the meter if it is defective.

    Property Owner

    Most customers have a water service – the line a builder laid from your home or business to our main. If the main is across the street, the service may run under the street. The property owner owns and maintains the water service line.

    Water will be turned off when a leaking or broken service line causes damage, is a safety hazard, or if you fail to make arrangements for repair. We issue notices for leaking or broken water services. Codes require that repairs be made by a master plumber, licensed by your city. Water service lines may not be relocated, repaired or modified without a permit from M.U.D. Any work must be inspected by the District.

    Your plumber determines if the water service can be repaired, or will advise you of options. You may call us to verify the type of repair needed. The property owner is responsible for making sure repairs are made. Please note: If you have a service line made of lead, repair is not an option and the line must be replaced in its entirety. To verify the type of service line you have, visit and use our interactive map. You may also call 402.504.7029 or email [email protected].

    Private water line

    A service line that is connected to the closest main when there is no main adjacent to your property. Like a service line, the property owner owns and maintains the private water line. Sometimes a private line is shared by several customers.

    If you’re buying property

    Check with the seller or Realtor about the existing water service or private line. When was it installed? Have there been any repairs? When the service is very old and made of a material that can corrode, the service line may be deteriorated. If the water service line leaks, you’re responsible for repairs.

  • What should I do if I have a drain blockage?

    A drain blockage is not caused by M.U.D. and is the homeowner’s responsibility to fix. We recommend you call a reputable contractor or plumber to safely clean your drain.

  • What should I do if I have a sewer lateral blockage?

    If your sewer lateral blockage occurs after receiving a pink warning tag from M.U.D. but before one of our contractors performs a sewer lateral inspection, immediately call M.U.D.’s 24-hour emergency number at 402.554.7777 and our dispatchers will send one of our contractors to perform an inspection. If you have a sewer lateral blockage but did not receive a pink warning tag from M.U.D. or if your blockage occurs after an M.U.D. contractor has inspected your sewer lateral, we recommend you call a reputable contractor or plumber to safely clean your sewer lateral.

  • Why is the issue of sewer laterals coming to light now?

    Generally, the city owned mainline sanitary sewer is installed very deep in the ground compared to the depth a gas pipe is installed. The previous thinking in the natural gas industry was the elevation difference was so great that there was a very low risk of damaging a sanitary sewer or sewer lateral. However, many sanitary sewers were installed years ago when standards were not as strict as they are today. Likewise, the standards for installing sewer laterals were not as stringent. Therefore, there are instances when the elevation difference is not nearly as great as what it would be by today’s standards.

  • Why are sewer laterals different than other utilities?

    Prior to directional boring, M.U.D.’s construction crews call in a utility to locate and identify all the utilities that will be crossed by the new gas pipe. The construction crews then dig holes to expose each of these utilities at the point they will be crossed so they can visually verify the new gas pipe does not damage the existing utility as the gas pipe gets installed. Sewer laterals are a problem because they are owned by each individual homeowner and thus not located during a standard utility locate. So M.U.D. does not know where each sewer lateral is and therefore cannot visually verify it has not been damaged.

  • Can I rent equipment to clean my own sewer lateral blockage?

    Yes, you can rent equipment to clean your sewer lateral blockage; however, we strongly request you call us at 402.554.7777 prior to performing the work so we can check our records to make sure there is no risk of a cross bore.

  • What happens if M.U.D. contracts with a plumber to shut off the service at the main?

    If the work is not completed within the allotted time period, we contract a licensed master plumber to shut off the service. The work is scheduled in seven to 10 working days. You are notified as to who will do the work and when.

    If you decide to have the work done by your plumber, it must be completed before our contracted plumber arrives on site. If you contract with the District’s plumber to do the repair work, the agreement and payment will be between you and the plumber.

    Keep in mind that all the District’s contracted plumber will do is dig to the water main and shut off the service at the corporation. The excavation would be left open for four days.

    If no one contacts the District’s plumber to complete the repairs, the plumber will fill the excavation, and if needed, have the street or sidewalk repaired. This work is billed to M.U.D. by the plumber. The District then bills the property owner.

  • What should I do if a contractor contacts me regarding a sewer lateral inspection?

    M.U.D. currently has contracts with Backlund Plumbing and Roto-Rooter to perform sewer lateral inspections. It is possible one of these two contractors will call to schedule an inspection. These two companies will also be placing orange information tags on homes where inspections are needed. Please remember, these inspections are free of charge so our contractors will not attempt to charge any residents or up sell any of their other services while doing work for M.U.D.

    If you have any questions or concerns when contacted by Backlund Plumbing or Roto-Rooter or if any other contractor contacts you on behalf of M.U.D., immediately call us at 402.554.6666 prior to letting anyone inside your home.

  • Who sets the rules that govern water service lines?

    Nebraska State Statutes give the District authority to establish the Water Rules and Regulations. Visit the Water Resources page for a link to the Rules.

  • Water pressure and flow: what if my water pressure suddenly decreases?

    If you are experiencing a total water outage or have had a sudden, drastic decrease in water pressure, please contact Customer Service at 402.554.6666 or toll-free at 1.800.732.5864.

    The normal pressure within the Metropolitan Utilities District (M.U.D.) water system largely depends on elevation. Water main pipes in low-lying areas along creeks and valleys will have relatively higher pressure than the mains at hill tops and along higher elevations of the city. Water pressure might also fluctuate during peak demand times. In the Omaha area, the heaviest demand for water occurs early in the morning during summer weekdays due to lawn irrigation.

    M.U.D. is required to maintain a minimum of 20 pounds per square inch (PSI) of pressure in our water mains for water quality. But during normal operations, our main pressures will usually be at least 40 PSI. Along creeks and lower elevations of the city, the pressure can be as high as 170 PSI.

    Most home improvement stores sell inexpensive water pressure gauges that can be attached to your outside faucet or hose spigot that you can use to measure the water pressure at your home or business. Most water pressure and flow concerns are due to plumbing system problems that originate inside the home. If you are having problems with low flows and/or high or low pressure, here are some steps you can take that may help resolve the issue.


    Most residential pressure and flow problems are caused by a malfunctioning or out-of-adjustment pressure reducing valve (PRV). PRVs are plumbing devices installed on your water service that lower the water pressure from the M.U.D. water main. Most PRVs can be adjusted between 25-75 PSI. The PRV is usually dome or bell shaped and 3 to 4 inches in diameter. They are usually located near where the water line enters the home. They can be near the shut-off valve, water heater, water softener or located by your water meter. Below is a picture of a common PRV used in M.U.D.’s service area, but there are many other manufacturers and styles:

    PRVs do wear out over time and periodically need to be replaced, but sometimes they can be adjusted. M.U.D. does not adjust PRVs since it is part of the property owner’s plumbing system. To adjust a PRV, loosen the lock nut around the base of the threaded stem on top, then turn the stem clockwise to increase the pressure, or counterclockwise to decrease the pressure. All these adjustments are best done while someone has a sink turned on and is monitoring the flow and pressure. If the adjustment helps, then retighten the lock nut. After making any adjustment to a PRV the static pressure (when no water in the house is running) should be checked with a water pressure gauge at a faucet or hose spigot, to be sure it stays below 80 PSI.

    M.U.D. recommends any work done on your plumbing system be performed by a Licensed Plumber.


    Water softeners can cause a sudden change or decrease in water pressure. To check it, switch the water softener to bypass mode and see if pressure improves. If it does, the low pressure is likely caused by the water softener, and it may need to be serviced or replaced.


    If low pressure is only affecting the hot water in your home, there could be a problem with your water heater. Most water heaters have a shut off valve on them, check and make sure that it is fully open. You may need to consult a licensed plumber to evaluate the condition of your water heater and to service or replace it.


    If only one faucet has low pressure, the problem may be a clogged aerator. Examine the aerator screen for debris, rust, scale or other particulates that restrict flow. This commonly occurs when water service is shut off. Without pressure in the indoor plumbing system, mineral particles adhering to your pipes flake off and become trapped in the aerator filter. Clean or replace the aerator.


    The master water shut-off valve is usually located where the water service line comes into the home and before it goes to a water heater or water softener. If this valve is partially closed it will affect water pressure throughout the entire home. Plumbers may close this valve when they come to do work on your home. Homes with small children also will find this valve mysteriously closed. Check that the valve is completely open.


    A common problem in older homes is tuberculation, which causes a reduction in water flow rate. Over time, mineral deposits and corrosion sediment accumulate on the interior of galvanized pipes. This internal build-up of minerals and corrosion does not pose a safety concern, but it does cause weaker flow. This decreases the diameter of the interior pipe, creating a more turbulent and restricted path for the water to flow through.

    Unfortunately, the only way to fix tuberculation is to have a licensed plumber replace the service line and/or indoor plumbing. Switching to water conserving fixtures like low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators may help.

  • Why do pipes build up scale?

    Usually a thin coating of calcium carbonate (scale) helps to prevent the corrosion of pipes. Scaling may occur in the hot water pipes due to precipitation of some of the hardness found in the water. At the Florence Water Treatment Plant approximately 35 percent of the hardness is removed from the raw Missouri River water before it is put into our distribution system.

  • Leaks

  • How does the District find out about water leaks?

    Generally, customers will see water where they don’t expect it to be. They contact us at 402.554.6666 to help determine the source of the water.

    Our employees also may report potential problems. Some leaks are detected during routine maintenance on the water system. Not all leaks appear on the surface. Some can only be detected using special equipment.

    A leaking water service requires prompt attention to get it shut off or fixed. If the leak causes damage or an accident, the property owner may have liability exposure for not attending to the situation in a timely manner.

  • I have a leaking water service. What should I do?

    Contact a licensed master plumber. When repairs are complete, the plumber should contact us to make arrangements to have the repairs inspected. We do not make referrals for master plumbers.

  • What happens if I choose not to make a water leak repair in the allotted time?

    1. If repairs are not made in the allotted time, the District has the authority to shut off the water service to stop the leak.
    2. If the leak is between the main and the stop box, the shut off will be made at the corporation to the water main.
    3. If the leak is between the stop box and the premises, an attempt will be made to shut the service off at the stop box.
    4. If the stop box is inoperable and the owner does not repair it, it will be shut off at the main.
  • What is a stop box?

    The stop box is part of your water service. It is the small round metal box usually set in or near the sidewalk that provides emergency water shut off to your home or business. Properly maintained, the top of the box remains flush with the sidewalk or ground. If the stop box is not flush with the sidewalk or ground, it creates a hazardous safety condition and exposes you to potential legal liability. Please repair it or contact a master plumber. When the repair has been made, call us at 402.554.6666 to inspect it.

  • What happens if a water leak repair must be done immediately?

    If a water service leak is causing a safety hazard, such as icing on the street, we attempt to contact you to take immediate action. If we do not reach you or you do not take immediate action, we shut off the service. The cost of this work is billed to the responsible party.

  • What other issues should I consider when having a water leak repaired?

    If the service supplies water to more than one premise, such as two houses, decisions are between the parties involved. You need to work with the other parties to determine who pays what and who is responsible for what.

    If your plumber finds the water main is leaking, not the service, we will repair the water main. You may file a claim with M.U.D.’s legal department for charges billed to you by your plumber. The determination of whether the claim will be honored will be made on a case by case basis.

    If your property does not front a water main, or your water service is not connected to the water main that fronts your property, you may have a “private water service line.” Rules governing private water service lines are slightly different than for a regular water service. Depending upon the extent of the repair, there may be additional administrative requirements and fees that must be paid before repairs can be done. Your plumber can advise you.

Related Resources