May 2020 Bill Insert: Water Supply Remains Safe During COVID-19

Metropolitan Utilities District’s water continues to meet or exceed all state and federal standards for drinking water and its water and natural gas systems continue to operate normally.
M.U.D. is following its Business Continuity Plan as it relates to pandemic preparedness, and is working closely with local, state and federal agencies.
To further ensure safety and reliability, the District took the proactive step April 1 of isolating staff members at its three water treatment facilities until further notice.
In addition to “sheltering in place” at the plants, the employees will continue to work in rotating shifts and practice social distancing protocols.
The District is providing equipment and supplies to ensure employees’ daily needs are met, including food, bedding, cots and laundry facilities.
“We remain diligent in providing life-essential services to the community, including safe and reliable water to meet the needs of our customers,” said M.U.D. President Mark Doyle.
M.U.D.’s water is regulated by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA encourages the continued use of tap water, as COVID-19 has not been detected in drinking water supplies.
M.U.D. uses multiple barriers of protection from pathogens including disinfection and filtration that target viruses and other contaminants.
The District’s dedicated team of water quality experts continually monitor and test the water system. Water samples are checked routinely over 1,000 times a day to ensure a safe supply.
In addition, M.U.D. is not disconnecting gas or water services due to non-payment until further notice. The District halted disconnections several weeks ago to ensure customers have access to tap water.
Your drinking water is safe and meets all federal and state requirements. To view the 2019 Water Quality Report, visit pdf. To request a hard copy, please check the box on your May or June bill payment stub or contact Customer Service at 402.554.6666 or [email protected].
Que su agua potable es segura y cumple o sobrepasa todos los requisitos federales y estatales. El Reporte de Calidad del Agua está disponible. Para verlo y aprender más acerca de la procedencia y calidad de su agua potable, visite https://www. Si usted quiere una copia impresa del reporte, por favor haga lo siguiente: Marque la casilla correspondiente en su factura cuando envíe su pago de mayo o junio; llame a nuestro número de servicio al cliente 402.554.6666 y díganos su nombre y dirección, o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] y de su nombre y dirección.
M.U.D. understands customers may be facing financial hardships as a result of COVID-19 and is putting new measures in place to provide relief. The health and safety of employees and customers continues to be the District’s top priority.
• Starting April 13, we suspended late payment charges on all customer accounts until further notice.
• We will not disconnect gas or water services due to nonpayment until further notice.
• We will continue to work with customers on flexible payment options as needed.
• Impacted customers should email Customer Service at [email protected] or call 402-554-6666.
• Contact the Nebraska Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) at 1-800-383-4278 or apply online with the Department of Health and Human Services at
• Learn more about M.U.D.’s utility assistance fund below.
After more than 37 years, our Heat Aid Fund has a new name: Home Fund.
This change reflects our commitment to ensuring our customers’ houses continue to feel like homes.
The fund, established to assist seniors, people with disabilities and limited-income customers suffering severe financial hardships, has raised nearly $4.5 million and served more than 35,000 households since 1983.
The mission: To provide utility assistance by connecting customers in need with the community.
With a new name comes a new look, and the new logo directly relates to the mission of Home Fund.
• The SHIELD symbolizes protection, strength and a firm foundation.
• The HOME represents a place of safety, comfort and peace.
• The HEART embodies the love and generosity of our donors
There is a growing need for assistance in our community and the continued success of this fund depends on donations from generous employees, fundraising events and kind-hearted people like you!
M.U.D.’s Home Fund – Connecting those in need with those who can help.
Need assistance with your gas and water bills? Want to help someone stay in their home?
Click here or call 402.554.6666. 100% of donations go directly to helping those in need.
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