February 2021 Bill Insert: Heat the Streets Community Event

Registration is open for the 14th annual Heat the Streets Run & Walk for Warmth, which will be a fully virtual event. This event raises awareness and funds for those in our communities in need of utility assistance. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a record number of first-time customers have requested utility bill assistance. M.U.D. Board Director Tanya Cook will serve as honorary co-chair of this year’s event. “The current need for utility assistance in our community is profound, and I am honored to have a role in helping raise funds to help people through this difficult time,” Cook said. Throughout the past 13 years, participants and sponsors have raised more than $1.3 million for utility assistance. Your support this year means more than ever. Sign up to join us in running or walking a 5K virtually on March 6 as we ‘Heat the Streets’ in raising money for our friends, family and neighbors in need. Visit heatthestreetsomaha.com to register to participate, make a donation or review sponsorship options.
Where: Virtually – you can participate in your neighborhood, local park or on the treadmill! When: Saturday, March 6, 2021 What: 5K or one-mile walk, or any distance you’re comfortable with! Prices: 5K: $35 race fee + $3.03 sign-up fee; Walk: $25 race fee + $2.45 sign-up fee. Donations: Any amount is appreciated and can remain anonymous if you choose. You can also donate in honor of someone else. Questions? Email [email protected].
Directors elected Mike McGowan board chair for 2021. He is serving his seventh year on the board and represents Subdivision 6. Prior to his election to the M.U.D. board in 2016, he was appointed to the board in 2010. He is a retired natural gas executive. Directors chose Jack Frost as vice chair. He is serving his 36th year on the board and represents Subdivision 7. He was first elected to the board in 1986 and reelected in 1992, 1998, 2004, 2010 and 2016. Other directors are: Jim Begley (Subdivision 1), Tim Cavanaugh (Subdivision 4), Tanya Cook (Subdivision 5), David Friend (Subdivision 2) and Gwen Howard (Subdivision 3). The board generally meets the first Wednesday of the month at the District Headquarters at 7350 World Communications Drive. Committee and regular board meetings are open to the public. Board meeting agendas and documents are posted at mudomaha.com or available by calling 402.504.7147. Meetings are livestreamed, recorded and posted to the website.
When water freezes, it expands. You can plan ahead to prevent the cost and mess of frozen pipes or a broken water line during winter months. Here are some things you can do: • Allow heat to circulate around meters and pipes located near outside walls, in uninsulated cabinets or other enclosed areas. • Fill cracks in doors, windows and walls near water meters and pipes. • Where previous freeze-ups have been a problem, a slight trickle of water from the faucet may keep a pipe from freezing. • If you have a hydrant located on your property, please remove any snow around it so firefighters can quickly find it in case of an emergency. If you do find yourself with a frozen pipe you should call a licensed plumber.
Gas meter maintenance
Your outside gas meter needs to be clear of snow on and around it. When possible, use a broom or brush, instead of a shovel to clear snow off regulators, meters, associated piping, tubing, gauges or other system equipment. This will help our meter readers when they read your meter and also for safety. Here are a few other important tips: • Know the location of your gas meter. • Keep it clear for emergency responses. • Keep shrubbery trimmed around your gas meter. • Do not enclose your meter. • Do not tie pets to or hang objects on your gas meter or piping. For more safety information, visit mudomaha.com/safety.
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