April 2020 Bill Insert: Infrastructure 2020 Update

Keeping you informed
Whenever possible, projects are done in conjunction with road or redevelopment projects or the City of Omaha’s combined sewer separation work to save money and minimize inconvenience to customers.
We will notify you when crews may be working in your area. In addition to mailings to affected customers, we provide neighborhood-specific project information and a map on our website at: http://www.mudomaha.com/infrastructure-projects.
Buying a house?
If you’re buying a house, check with the seller or your real estate agent about the existing water service or private line. Ask when it was installed and if there have been repairs.
When the water service line is very old and made of a material that can corrode, it may deteriorate. If the water service line leaks, you are responsible for repairs.
Call 811 before you dig!
When excavating near a buried service line, ensure the line is located in advance and excavate by hand.
You are required to contact 811 at least two business days (but not more than 10 business days) before excavating or disturbing the soil, even in your own backyard!
The underground utilities in your excavation area will be located and marked. Submit requests online at www.ne1call.com, or call 811 or 800.331.5666.
Smell gas? Leave fast!
1. If you suspect a damaged gas line or a possible gas leak, get everyone out of the building or area.
2. Do not use any matches, candles, lighters, flashlights, motors or appliances. Don’t even use the light switch.
3. From a phone not located in the building, call M.U.D. at 402.554.7777 or 911. There is no charge to check gas leaks!
Investing in infrastructure for safety and reliability
To provide safe, high quality drinking water and natural gas, M.U.D. must maintain a reliable infrastructure system. To replace aging gas and water mains, the District began charging gas and water infrastructure fees in 2008.
In 2019, M.U.D. spent $40 million to replace gas and water infrastructure, including 40.6 miles of gas mains, 4,583 gas services and 10.1 miles of water mains.
For 2020, the District budgeted $43.2 million to replace gas and water infrastructure.
By the end of 2027, the District plans to replace the remaining miles of targeted gas mains.
As professionals working for you, safety remains our number one priority. This infrastructure replacement program provides an opportunity to update our delivery systems, which results in fewer service interruptions and repairs.
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