Preparing for Spring
With spring arriving, you might be getting prepared to turn on your sprinkler system. To conserve water, make sure your sprinkler heads are in working order and directed on your lawn and not on sidewalks and streets. Having a remote Rain Sensor shut-off device is also a good way to conserve water. Metropolitan Utilities District is offering a $75 rebate on any rain sensor device installed by a licensed lawn sprinkler contractor. To find out how to qualify, visit and click on the water rebate.
When planting trees or shrubs, always call 8-1-1 at least two business days before you dig! This is a free service and all utilities will be located and marked in your yard. If planting near a gas meter, keep shrubs trimmed so meter readers have access to read the dials on the meter.
Sprucing up around the outside of your house? It is ok to paint your gas meter, however please be careful to not paint over the dials. We must have access to read the dials at all times.
For more information about lawn and plant care, visit